segédnick Creative Commons License 2009.04.05 0 0 7620

The Arab geographer Yaqut al-Hamawi in his Mu'jem al-baladan wrote that the name "Khwarezm" is a compound name (in Persian) of "Khwar" (خور), and "-razm" (زم), referring to the abundance of cooked fish meat as a main diet of the peoples of this area. C.E. Bosworth however, believes the Persian name to be made up of (خور) meaning "the sun" and (زم) meaning "Earth", designating "the land from which the sun rises". More correctly, however, the Iranic compound stands for "lowland" from khwar/khar, "low" and zam/zem, "earth, land."


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Előzmény: Athila Secundus (7615)