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 Nagy Kürosz nevelőanyjáról írja Hérodotosz:


"A nő neve ... görög nyelven Künó volt, médül Szpakó. A kutyát ugyanis szpakának hívják a médek."



Or. собака 'kutya' (nőnemű szó)



Alekper Alekperov (Azerbajdzsáni Egyetem):


"It is necessary to notice that "dog" is domesticated "wolf. The symbol of dog takes too honorable place among the Turkic peoples. [64]. Turkic peoples named tribes in honor of dog (It bechene). The Slav Russian chronicles report on broad spreading among Turkic peoples personal names, rising to the dog (Mar, Itoglu, Kobyak, Konchak) [65]. To this categories it is necessary to refer Spaka -woman that was feeding the founder of Achemenid empire Kir and also the name of the Scythian king Ishpakay ("Spaka,/ Ispaka/ Ispakay"). There are many opinions about etymology of this word [66]. We must know and think that dog is domesticated wolf. So, coming from this, we consider, that both in the nature, and in mythologies both animals must save similarity, i. e. if "wolf/ gurt"- a symbol of fire /light /and this is confirmed by presence in the word gurt/ kurtcomponent "ku" - Ku (ar), ku (m)an, the Russian word Polovtsi - "Poloviy" which means from Slav a yellow or colour of straw), the "Dog" must also keep the same manifestation. In Turkic languages for marking "a light", except "Ku-" is used component "is" with the develop-ment in is / ish / us /oz / az /ut /od / (is- ti (warm), uld- uz (star), is-ig (light), az-ar (tem-perature). Saying about "Ispaka" we may notice that in this word first slab "is'it" a light factor. Considering sanctity of Wolf / Dogs we suppose that staying part of word "Is-paka"- "baka" means "God, Holy Ghost". The researches suppose that theorem "god / baga" has Turkic origin [67]. Thereby, coming from general symbologies of dog and wolf, we suppose that the word we are interested in can be denoted on the Turkic lan-guage origin as "burning god". Arabs in default of the consonant "p" transfer of name of city "Ispahan" is connected by means of the Persian "Isbaka (dog) + an (the prefix of the area" to Turkic concept of "Country of burning Godnes". The Image ofpremother - wolf in this instance "Kanjik" allows to change our opinion on some historic data. First, word "kanjik" refer to both of gods, male and female of wolf. This was connected with their physiological condition [68]. Bringing more archaic form of the given word as "kanic/ kanish". Suleymenov has called attention and on such detail, as follows, on saved in the Latin language a word "canis" in the meaning bitch [69] that corresponds Turkic "names/ kanjik". On reporting Tit Liviy after falling of Troya outstanding men - Eney and Antenor - was rarefied to move from city. Antenor with the small numbers of "enet" or "venet" arrived to the gulf of the Adreatic Sea. Having exiled from there are landed for the first time is named Troya but the whole people - Venedians. May be the town on the Appenin peninsular - Venecia straightly refer to those veneds. Eney arrived to Makedoniya, after he moved to Lavrentian district of the Appe-nian peninsula.then he went to Sicily. In the thirteenth of generation of Eney senior brother Numitor, which male posterity of its brother. Reya Silviya, daughter of its brother under the honorable prefix has sent in Church, and so makes her it on eternal virgin. Soon, Reya gave birth two children. The king ordered to throw them to the river. But the Tibr was destroyed and those stayed their children on the coast of the river. By Tit Liviy the female volfreageted to the child cry and feed them. The Favstui founded the children. He brought them home and began to educate. (Some people consider that Larencia was called a female wolf. [70]"

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