blaze73 Creative Commons License 2008.12.01 0 0 38688
igen, ok latom : jogos a pont nalad emiatt.

cleaning kit
"Ascor DC: Use this to decalcify or simply clean out your espresso machine. Mix the entire contents of one packet with a full tank of water. Run the water through the grouphead and steam wand one cup at a time. Wait 5-10 minutes between drawing off water to allow the chemicals to heat up and clean out the boiler and water passageways. "

ez is kb olyan semmitmondo...

azert akarhogyan is nagyon fura ha egy ilyen szerre nincsen rairva, hogy mi van benne... es meg a forgalmazo sem arulja el, nem irja meg...

topic closed :)
Előzmény: Circo Massimo (38678)