mociga Creative Commons License 2008.10.29 0 0 178

image - ejtése imídzs ... ím így?


És mégegyszer (vakok a vákumukban nem hallják, süketek nem látják (Nincs hang a vákumban s a vakondok is vakok a föld alatt) :-(((((():

A vak csak véletleségből nem ütközik bele semmibe. De állandóan kicsi ütközéséseket hajszol, mert FUra fehér furmányos furkós bottal a kezében botor módon botladozva botorkál. :-)))))))



image  c.1225, "artificial representation that looks like a person or thing," from O.Fr. image, earlier imagene (11c.), from L. imaginem (nom. imago) "copy, statue, picture, idea, appearance," from stem of imitari "to copy, imitate" (see imitate). Meaning "reflection in a mirror" is c.1315. The mental sense was in L., and appears in Eng. c.1374. Sense of "public impression" is attested in isolated cases from 1908 but not in common use until its rise in the jargon of advertising and public relations, c.1958. Imagism as the name of a movement in poetry that sought clarity of expression through use of precise visual images, "hard light, clear edges," was coined 1912 by Ezra Pound.



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