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Bán méltóságnevünk eredetével kapcsolatban felhívom a figyelmet a középperzsa marzban tisztségnévre:


Marzban (in Persian: مرزبان, derived from the words Marz مرز meaning "border" or "boundary" and the suffix -ban بان meaning guardian) were a class of margraves or military commanders in charge of border provinces of the Sassanid Empire of Persia (Iran) between 3rd and 7th centuries CE.


Marzbans were granted the administration of the border provinces and were responsible for maintaining the security of the trade routes, fighting the encroaching nomadic tribes such as Bedouin Arabs, White Huns and Oghuz Turks, and holding the first line of defense against settled enemies such as Romans and Kushans.

Sassanid Shahanshah (king of kings) usually selected Marzbans from Bozorgan, Persian noble families who held the most powerful positions in the imperial administration. The rank of Marzban, like most imperial administration, was mostly patrimonial, and was passed down through a single family for generations. Marzbans of greatest seniority were permitted a silver throne, while Marzbans of the most strategic border provinces, such as the Caucasus province, were allowed a golden throne. In military campaigns the regional Marzbans could be regarded as field marshals, while lesser spahbods could command a field army.


It is not clear whether they had authority over castles in their area of operation, as Argbadhs were responsible for castles. In many ways, Persian Marzbans had the same function and status as medieval Germanic Margraves. The Marzban of Abarshahr in Central Asia was called "Kenarang".


Vagyis a bán jelentése: 'őr'

A marzbanok határőrök voltak, pontosabban azok elöljárói

Előzmény: Törölt nick (658)