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Pendzsikenti dombormű részlete


A Kaukázusban is roppant népszerű Sárkányölő Szt. György vagy a magyar néphagyományból életre kelt János vitéz előképe?


In the central Zarafshan valley, the town of ancient Panjikent (Soghdian: Panchekanth) was the capital of Panch and its rulers. The town probably arose in the 5th century A.D. Its citizens were well established businessmen and landowners. In A.D. 722, Arabian forces besieged and took the town. The last ruler Devashtich fled into the upper Zarafshan regions where he was captured and sentenced to death shortly after. For some 50 years, ancient Panjikent stayed a living place under the new rulership, but towards the end of the 8th century the place was given up and never resettled again. Therefore, quite a lot of urban remains, architecture and works of art from the last urban phases could await the spades of the archaeologists.

Előzmény: kisharsány (6694)