Epstein dr. Creative Commons License 2008.07.03 0 0 193

A római Apolló hatti és hurri eredete mellett tör lándzsát egyebek mellett:


Nancy Thomson de Grummond: Etruscan Myth, Sacred History, and Legend; University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, Philadelphia, 2006


Donald Alexander Mackenzie: Myths of Babylonia and Assyria; Gresham, London, é. n. (1930-as évek)



John Croft (2003) wrote in the Ancient Near East mail list that "Apollo does not have a Greek provenance but an Anatolian one. Luwian Apaliuna seems to have travelled west from further East. Hurrian Aplu was a god of the plague, and resembles the mouse god Apollo Smitheus. Hurrian Aplu itself seems derived from the Babylonian Aplu meaning a 'son of' – a title that was given to the Babylonian plague God, Nergal (son of Enlil)"



A görög Apollón, Apellón tehát inkább a lúvi változathoz áll közel, az etruszk meg a hurrihoz, hattihoz.

Előzmény: Epstein dr. (190)