II. Kastilias Creative Commons License 2008.05.09 0 0 6340

Wolfram további meglepő ötletei:


"Ricimir can be read as Recimir (reci = to speak; mir = peace; or: the one who speaks of peace). Or it could be an archaic version of Rastimir (rasti = to grow). The short form of this name is Rastko which was also the personal name of the Serb patron St. Sava before he entered the cloister." (i. m. 33.)


"Valamir can be read as the contemporary Serb personal name, Velimir (veli(ki) = great; mir = peace)" (i. m. 31.)


"Vidimir: vidi = to see; mir = peace. The name Vittamar also has a cognate in the modern Serb personal name Vitomir." (i. m. 188.)


Annak ellenére, hogy a 61. olalon leszögezi: "the Amal brothers Valamir, Thudimir and   Vidimir ... around 450 AD were the leaders of the »Hunnic« Ostrogoths."

Előzmény: II. Kastilias (6338)