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British "Nemeton" Groves:


Lindum; Lincoln, Lincolnshire - vide RIB 245b supra.

Aquae Sulis; Bath, Avon - vide RIB 140 supra.

Aquae Arnemetiae; Buxton, Derbyshire - "The Spa-Town of the Sacred Groves."

Nemetostatio; North Tawton, Devon - "The Outpost of the Sacred Groves."

Vernemetum; Willoughby, Nottinghamshire - "The Sacred Grove of Spring."

Medionemeton; "The Central Grove", perhaps referring to Barr Hill or Croy Hill on the Antonine Wall in Strathclyde (
Ravenna Cosmography; R&C#196).    




European "Nemeton" Names:


Augustonemeton; Clermont-Ferrand in the Auvergne region of Central France, on the northern edge of the Massif Central in the ancient lands of the Arverni, a tribe of the Roman province of Aquitania


Drunemeton; A grove of sacred oak trees named by Strabo as the meeting-place of the Galatian tribes of Asia Minor. The name is easily translated 'The Sacred Grove of the Druids'. The site is thought to lie near Ancyra in central Turkey.


Nemausus; Nîmes in the western Languedoc near the mouth of the Rhone; in the ancient territories of the Arecomici tribe of southern Gallia Narbonensis.


Nemetacum or Nemetocerna Atrebatum; Arras in the Artois region of Northern France; the ancient capital of the Gaulish Atrebates tribe. Mentioned in Julius Caesar's Gallic Wars, where it is named Nemetocenna (viii.46, 52).


Nemetobriga Nemetatarum; a city of the Bracaraugustanus district of Hispania Tarraconensis, the largest town in the territories of the Nemetatae, a minor-tribe mentioned by Ptolemy. Now Val de Nebro in Northern Spain.


Nemetodurum; Nanterre in the Vallée de la Seine, north-west of Paris.


Nemetes; a people of Germania Superior who inhabited the upper Rhine valley. Their principal city was known as Noviomagus Germanis Superioris, less frequently referred to as Noviomagus Nemetum; nowadays Speyer near Heidelberg in West Germany. Julius Caesar twice mentions the tribe in his Gallic Wars (i.51, vi.25).   Nemossus; Nemours on the Plaine de la Beauce, south-west of Paris.   Vernemetum; Vernantes on the Loire, in the Anjou region of Western France; in the lands of the Armorican tribe, the Andecavi.

Előzmény: II. Kastilias (6258)