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Aparna (Gk. Aparnoi/Parnoi, Lat. Aparni or Parni), an east Iranian tribe established on the Ochos (modern Tajen, Tejend) and one of the three tribes in the confederation of the Dahae (q.v.; Dahā in the inscription of Xerxes, Ph 26, see Kent, Old Persian, p. 151). Their original homeland may have been south­ern Russia from where they emigrated with other Scythian tribes into the Dahestān, south-east of the Caspian sea. Led by Arsaces I, they invaded Parthia around 240 BC, defeated its satrap Andragoras (q.v.), and destroyed several towns. From then on they shared, as a leading aristocracy, the history of the Parthian people. There is some difficulty in exactly identifying the tribes settled in Dahestān. The Aparnoi of Dahestān mentioned by Strabo (11.7.1) should be considered as Sparnoi (Aparnoi is a conjectural emendation of Xy­lander and Casaubonus). The real Dahestān Aparnoi (var. Eparnoi, Asparioi) should also be distinguished from the Ochos Parnoi (Strabo 10.9.2; see Altheim, Weltgeschichte II, p. 15). The same doubt may arise about Justin’s (41.1.10) Parni or Sparni or Apartani (J. Wolski, Der Zuzammenbruch, p. 206 and note 36).
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