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..egy kis dombra lecsücsülünk.....

borz vár-dombóvár ?

...a részeges haoma VARGA,aki megvakult....

The “abode and dwelling of the clouds” is on Harborz (Me@no@@g ^ xrad 44.16); and there the Baga set the sacred plant haoma to grow. There too the yazata Haoma, as priest of the gods, offers sacrifice, specifically to Mithra (Yt. 10.89) and to SraoÞa (Y. 57.19). Figures of ancient Iranian myth, namely HaoÞyaºha (Ho@Þang) and Yima (ÔamÞe@d) are also said to have offered sacrifice on the mountain, to the divinities Ar™dv^ Su@ra@, Druva@spa@, and Vayu (Yt. 5.21, 25; 9.3, 8; 15.7, 15).

...két mérő sumeru....szemere a szomor-mókus-senmurv
a szamár morva...

The Iranian concept of the great central world mountain has its parallel in the Indian one of the Mount Me@ru or Sume@ru; and when in course of time the Khotanese Sakas adopted Buddhism, they used the name “Peak of Hara@” (ttaira haraysä) to render Sanskrit Sume@ru (see H. W. Bailey, Khotanese Texts IV, Cambridge, 1961, p. 12).
Előzmény: Epstein dr. (5166)