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Russian scientist, who investigated the ancient history of the peoples of the Caspian region, having available the mentioned in the bible information about the prince Roche, Tubal and Meshekhe thus who lived on the southern shore of Caspian Sea. He wrote: "Tubal of the Bible who is always mentioned next to Meshekhom, had to govern/control the mountainous province of Tabar, located next to the steppe province Dekhistanom. In IV chapter of the "Being" the name of Tubal is named for "keeper of all instruments made from copper and iron". This gave occasion to the number of researchers to identify with Tubalom Tibarens and khalibs thus populated the southeastern coast of Black sea and noted for the smelting of iron ore. The same sign/criterion "ancient iron melting" is equal for the Tabaristanians of the Caspian Region who had their iron melting center at their city of Amul during the times of the Gmeline. The same Tabar of Tubal is the same Tavr as to the philology, and the Tavr is the name of the anicient inhabitants of the island Krim, Ukraine.


Spine of Tavr goes away from Caspian Sea to the east, and the northern part of the Tavr were occupied by gels, kadusis and medes. On the southwestern shore of the Caspian Region lived telyumays, and next vein tribe was Talai. Telyumays lived also on the north of Albania (Ancient Caucasian State). Talais lived also on the eastern shores the mouths of the Caspian Region. In the opinion of another ancient author, Talais also lived in the West of mouth. They are Talais are noted also on the north and in the south of Albania, and also in Atropatene. Polypus, speaking about the northern limits of Media places there Elamits by whose name it is possible to understand Telyumays. Polypus keeping in mind northern Elamits did name them as Delemits (Delemitai).

Word "Elam" was connected with the ethnic names of the "Gelam" and "Gels", who in some sources were identified with kadusis, who lived where now live Talishians. Kadusi and Matiyeny (some researchers identify them with Medes), according to Polypus, were the neighbors of northern Elamits and Medes. Delemits whereas possible those dilmuns//telmuns (In Sumerian - talai//dalai), telmuns of ancient sources, Delemits of the locality of deylamia - all this, in our opinion the diverse variants of ethno name of Talish//Tolish. The ethno name of Talish//Tolish on the north of the territory indicated at present preserved. The Georgians call their northern neighbors - Ossetins (An other Irani Languaged/Aryan nation) tuals and simultaneously dvals (dyval/dival). And these concepts of dval (dival, dval) are considered as almost identical. The ethno name of dyval is connected with ethno names mentioned in the works of Pliniya Secund (I century) and geographer Ptolomeus under the names of Tal, Tshalos/valli, uallo/ooalloy, Dvals and Tals. They occupied one and the same territory and therefore these ethno names seem to us as one ethnic name. Concept of Tual is consonant with biblical tubalam that is blacksmiths. Same ethnic name; Osetin (themselves they call their country Iron) does resemble the Talish name of blacksmith "osonaga" (from the word of "oson" the iron).The people of Ual (valli), which as to Ptolomeus dwelt in the territory between the mountains of Keravniys (contemporary Talish Mountains) and the river Ra (Now days Volga) is identified with Dvals.

In the territory of Georgia historically existed region of Dvaletiya and in this territory on the present time is extended one of the Iranian languages "Ossetic" language, and origin of Dvals connected with this population and with the Scythian tribes the Alans. It is known that Osetiya is simultaneously called as Alania. The name of the Alan tribe resembles the name of the tribes of the Caucasian Albania, who since ancient times lived in the Median Mountains on the shore of the Caspian Sea, on the Caspian slope of the large Caucasus. The Median tribes (Medes) also lived in the territory of Caucasian Albania. Albans, Alans were of the Median origin. Alov tribes of (on Talish language alozh from People from Ala) prior to the beginning of XX century they dwelt among Talishians in Mougan and spoke in the Talish language. Through The Daryal gorge Alans accomplished their marches, passing Georgia into Transcaucasia's countries, and the tribes of massageto-alans circle they penetrated through the Derband passage to the territory of Caspian strip. Thus in the first centuries of the AC the interconnection of Alans, who lived on the north, with the Medes-Talishians were not interrupted. As writes the father of Azerbaijanian history Iqrar Aliyev: "The Iranian language of Atropatena was close to the Iranian language of Iveria (ancient Georgia); in ancient Georgia guided the Iranian dynasties of Farnavazes.

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