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megjegyzés: szerintem ősbunkóság mileva néven emlegetni, einsteint is megtiszteljük, hogy vezetéknevén szólítjuk, nem csak úgy odabökjük, hogy albert. isaac meg leírta a mechanikát, mi?

There is not even one strong argument that supports the idea that Mileva had helped Einstein to develop his theories, and all of the evidence for this suggestion is weak. There are other Nobel winners, beside Einstein, who have shared their prize money with their ex-wife as a part of the divorce settlement and it is known that Mileva refused to sign the divorce papers until Einstein agreed to share with her the Nobel Prize money, along with other items of their common property. Mileva used this money to buy an apartment building and used the monthly rent to support herself and her children. Moreover, when Einstein's only living son was asked about his own mother's scientific contribution to the Theory of Special Relativity he couldn’t recall any. Additionally, Albert remained an extremely fruitful scientist for the rest of his life, producing many more works of great importance, long after divorcing Mileva. She, on the other hand, never published any significant work and was never mentioned, including by any of hers or Albert’s acquaintances, for having contributed any of her own original ideas to any of Einstein's work. Finally, Mileva herself never claimed that she took any important part in the scientific work attributed to Albert .ć