lyesmith Creative Commons License 2007.02.06 0 0 56

Ha már úgyis itt van ez a topic nem tudna valki valmai értelmeset is mondani a hun nyelvről? Mondjuk mi a hivatalos álláspont?


A wiki szerint a hunok eredetileg jenyiszji nyelvcsaládba tartoztak.


"Lajos Ligeti was the first to suggest that the Xiongnu spoke a Yeniseian language. In the early 1960s Edwin Pulleyblank was the first to expand upon this idea with credible evidence. In 2000, Alexander Vovin reanalyzed Pulleyblank's argument and found further support for it by utilizing the most recent reconstruction of Old Chinese phonology by Starostin and Baxter and a single Chinese transcription of a sentence in the language of the Jie (a member tribe of the Xiongnu confederacy). Previous Turkic interpretations of the aforementioned sentence do not match the Chinese translation as precisely as using Yeniseian grammar.[2]"


és hogy ez hasonlóságokat mutat néhány kaukázusi nyelvel és a ?baszkal?


"The Yeniseian languages have highly elaborate verbal morphology, to an extreme found elsewhere in Eurasia only in Burushaski and, to a lesser extent, in Basque and the Languages of the Caucasus. (All of these languages are ergative as well.)"


Akkor mégis kell hogy legyen valami nyoma a hun nyelvnek?