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a Financial Times akár bekövetkezhet a Peak Oil, de nem azért mert elfogy az olaj, hanem azért mert nem tudjuk kitermelni. 


én mintha hallottam volna a Peak Oil-osoktól, hogy az olaj 2/3-a ott marad mindörökre a földben.


An unsustainable outlook 





Earlier this month, a group of chief executives from the world’s big energy companies, gathered in Venice behind closed doors to discuss the future of the oil business.


They know there are some tricky times ahead. Saudi Arabia may be able to deliver the hoped-for increases in oil production over the next 25 years, but the IEA’s targets require increases from countries such as Iran and Iraq with the second and third largest oil reserves in the world. Neither is in a politically stable enough position to attract significant foreign investment to their ageing oil sectors.


So, just as the world begins to breathe a sigh of relief, after four years when the price of oil has tripled, the resulting complacency risks starting the cycle anew. Though we may not be running out of oil as peak theorists believe, we risk running out of the ability to pump it from the ground.


The faster we consume hydrocarbons without finding significant alternatives, the sooner we will slam against the political barriers that stop some of the world’s biggest oil and gas fields from being developed.