ezerkilenszaznyolcvannegy Creative Commons License 2006.09.27 0 0 9374


a kínaiak is tudnak valamit:




But Aleklett says those efforts may serve only to maintain existing production -- and cannot meet exploding demand growth in the developing world, including an expected five-fold increase in oil consumption by China and India.

China has 21 per cent of the world's population but at present consumes only eight per cent of its annual production of crude oil.

"Should they be allowed to use 21 per cent of the oil produced in the world since they have 21 per cent of the global population?" Aleklett asks.

"They will do whatever they can to make it happen. I have had discussions with leaders in China, with advisers to the president, about peak oil and they said they know about peak oil and they will act accordingly."




Bush kivételével lassan minden ország vezetőjében tudatosul az energia fontossága.

Picit olyan a helyzet mint 1945 késő tavaszán - Sztálin már rég tudta, hogy az Usákoknak készül az atombombájuk, Truman azt se tudta, hogy az micsoda.



Előzmény: nájckingdom (9135)