lyesmith Creative Commons License 2006.08.27 0 0 108
hmm, Azt gondolnám lóról használt kard sohasem rövid. Ezzel szemben ezeket találtam.

"At Kolozsvár-Kardosfalva, a short Hun sword and a quiver holding arrows were found in the grave of what was obviously a warrior."

"At Maroslekence, the graves are dated by a short sword and triple-edged arrowheads, both Hunnic,"

"Several Sarmatian finds of the Carpathian Basin (the most representative are the ones from Hevizgyork and Vizesd-puszta) show a number of similarities with a group of equestrian burials concentrated at the Lower Don. These burials dated to the end of the 2nd — beginning of the 3rd century A.D. are related by such grave-goods as certain pieces of horse harness (buckles without a tongue, metallic, usually silver, beads decorating the belts), similar attributes of relatively short (80 — 90 cm long) swords (chalcedonic pommels, «magic» pendants made of semi-precious stones),"
Előzmény: II. Burna-burias (105)