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Szörföltem a Neten és Solaris néven elektronikus stílusú lemezeket találtam itt:

About Solaris
Solaris (band) is a progressive rock band from Hungary. Established in 1978, then band went through several formations. Their music has a strong melodic content, often laced with Eastern European themes, and is highlighted by the use of dynamics and extended thematic development.

Ez ugye a mi Solarisunk. Viszont nekik nincsenek ilyen lemezeik tudtommal:
- Spirit Catcher (Release Date: 5/20/2004)
- Secret chamber (Release Date: 4/25/2005)
- Progressions (Release Date: 3/13/2006)

Érdemes meghallgatni ezeket is! Első hallásra tetszik. :-)

Ezeket mely országbeli Solaris játszhatja?
"Somewere between Tangerine Dream and Pink Floyd, Nice, Space, Journey"

Spirit Catcher