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A szondát fújni kell, ha a rendőr ezt metakommunikálja; neked meg ilyen hazugságok utún szívni:

Mellár Tamást ültette, aki ugyan jó közgazdász, de a statisztikához semmi köze.



The purpose of the Advisory Committee on Indicators (ACI) is to support the Statistical Commission in providing leadership in the field of conference indicators, by:

ˇ Conducting an in-depth technical analysis of conference indicators;
ˇ Making recommendations regarding a limited list of conference indicators;
ˇ Developing and recommending mechanisms of statistical review for future proposed indicators.

The Advisory Committee on Indicators (ACI) and its terms of reference were established by the Statistical Commission in its 34th session in March 2003.
Its members are:

Dennis Trewin, Australia
Maria Martha Malard Mayer, Brazil
Feng Nailin, China
Tamas Mellar, Hungary (Chair)
Adarsh Kishore, India
Soedarti Surbakti, Indonesia
Luigi Biggieri, Italy
Kali Abdiyev, Kazakhstan
Shaari Abdul Rahman, Malaysia
Svein Longva, Norway
Hasan Abu-Libdeh, Palestine
J. Kahimbaara, South Africa
Len Cook, United Kingdom
Előzmény: Szabó G. Zoltán (38)