ezerkilenszaznyolcvannegy Creative Commons License 2006.01.25 0 0 5307


Kanada várhatóan kilép a Kyoto-i egyezményből:


Canada Poised to Kill Kyoto




Canadians are poised to axe the Kyoto Accord, but seem unaware that's what they will be doing when they elect a Stephen Harper government today.


Less than two weeks before voting day, with a majority government in sight, Harper said he would abandon the CO2 emission limits of Kyoto.


It was good news for the fossil-fuel industry, but bad news for Canadians, most of whom steadfastly favour the accord.


The story should have received major media attention, but didn't. By the following day, it was dead. Inside the Harper war room, fossil-fuel industry lobbyists were high-fiving each other. If Harper had announced a pull-out from Kyoto in Calgary in December, the media might have played the story very differently and Harper might not be heading for a majority government.

Előzmény: ezerkilenszaznyolcvannegy (5306)