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volt egy nagykovet, csunyat mondott az elso olajvalsag idejen.

James Akins, ambassador to Saudi Arabia during the oil crisis of 1973 and '74.

megjelent egy cikk 1975-ben, Seizing Arab Oil (az arab olaj megkaparintasa) cimmel. na amit abban leirtak, az megy most a teveben.

"Then I made a fatal mistake," Akins continues. "I said on television that anyone who would propose that is either a madman, a criminal, or an agent of the Soviet Union."

es mennyire kurvara igaza volt. az illetekes eftars egyszerre mind a harom.

Soon afterward, he says, he learned that the background briefing had been conducted by his boss, then-Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. Akins was fired later that year.

itt az egesz, es van egy masodik oldala
