Törölt nick Creative Commons License 2005.10.31 0 0 4511




"Can we keep losing $400 million a year paying workers in the jobs bank, and $400 million a quarter on operations?" Miller said. "No, we cannot deal with that indefinitely. And we can't wait until 2007."

The 2007 date refers to the expiration of the union's national agreement with Delphi and GM, Ford Motor Co. and the Chrysler Group.

Under the current contract, GM has some obligations for health care and pensions for thousands of former GM hourly workers now employed by Delphi.

Analysts estimate that GM may be liable for as much as $6 billion in pensions and other obligations. Miller, however, said he cannot specify what is required of GM under the current contract.



Az USA-ban Miller (a Delphi no1-e) 28$-röl 10$-re akarja levinni az orabéres opok alapbérét.

A héten bevágok egy király kis levelet eröl.

Előzmény: Első Polgár (4510)