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 Találtam a Neten egy interjút  Matt Savinarral, aki az „Oil Age is Over” szerzőjével., amiben a következőt nyilatkozta:

DR: What is your advice to people that are interested in these issues, I mean how to prepare, et cetera?

MS: Well, I’ll tell you what I am doing. Just trying to acquire as many skills as possible that will be useful as this collapse gets underway. For instance I got myself enrolled in a class on gardening. I got a bunch of books on what is called ‘square foot gardening’. I’m going to learn how to do that. Now, how much of my own food can I grow on my own ten by ten plot out in the front of my apartment? Well, not very much but I can learn how to do it and we’ve got three to five years of social cohesion left which I don’t know that we’ve necessarily do, but that I hope that we do. Maybe I can get three to five growing seasons under my belt and then as the collapse gets underway I can teach other people in the neighborhood how to do that and barter or get some income or what not through that. I’m also learning acupressure, which is like acupuncture but without needles because we have an aging population. The healthcare system is already falling apart. It’s very expensive and it’s entirely dependent on petrochemicals. And so folks are going to need some type of medical care. They may not be able to go to the doctor to get a pill for their migraine or for whatever it is. They are going to look to other methods. So that’s another skill. I’d like to learn bicycle repair, though I’ve got so much on my plate that’s going to have to wait. That’s really all you can do. If you’ve got the money and you know where to go to buy land and what not and learn to grow your own food and get totally self-sufficient that’s great but that’s not really something that the average person who’s living month to month can just get up and go do. So you take stock of where your personal situation is and your own financial resources are and do your best and pray you catch a break along the way.

Ez már kicsit hisztérikusnak tűnik egy felsőfokú végzettségű embernél, ez már szalmaszálba kapaszkodás. Nem valami optimista kicsengésű…