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http://www.uchinanchu.org/history/list_of_crimes.htm Van itt minden: Sep.4,1955 A six-year-old girl, living in Ishikawa City was found murdered in Kadena area. A US sergeant was arrested and sentenced to death in December. Rycom Compensation Examining Committee informed the bereaved family of the payment of $2000 compensation, one eighth of the amount claimed. Later, the sentence was reduced to 45 years' heavy labor servitude.Jul.3,1963 A 22-year-old woman employee of a diner, was strangled to death. A 19-year-old US Marine confessed his crime and was sentenced to eighteen years' imprisonment by court-martial.Mondjuk vannak hajmeresztőek is, ezt Sep.19,1961 A US serviceman hit four pupils and escaped in Koza City; nine- and ten-year-old schoolgirls were killed. The court-martial sentenced the accused to one-rank demotion and six months' confinement to barracks.például rohadtul nem értem, milyen hadbíró művelhette. |
Előzmény: AAAaaa (88)