gvass1 Creative Commons License 2005.04.11 0 0 130

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A Glockok akarmennyire megbizhatoak, neha ezek is akadnak.

Es Murphy szerint ugye pont a legrosszabbkor:-((


today i had to shoot a charging pit bull on leo duty.i was covering another officer who was going to tase the animal.the dog charged me and i fired four shots whilst backing up.the animal collapsed and died immediately.as it turned out,this was fortunate,because my pistol had stove-piped.
needless to say,i am concerned.
about the gun:second generation glock 17,running a 13 lb ISMI recoil spring.gun has close to 18,000 rounds through it(B-class production),including over 700 duty loads(win-ranger talon 127 +p+),250 of those through the in-gun magazine.
i shoot a lot.the gun was aimed in with a good iso stance/ipsc 2 hand grip.
before this,the gun's ONLY malfs were with the crappy reloads the range issues for qual,and only 6 out of a coupla thousand."