Mr HistoricalEclipse Creative Commons License 2005.01.16 0 0 197
In ancient times the Sun often credited with an eclipse around the time of the death of a famous person. Such a statement usually amounts to no more than a stock literary compliment. Augustus seems to be no exception. The earliest such statement which we have encountered is far from contemporary; it occurs in Dio lvi, 29 (7, p.66).  Among portents before the death of Augustus he mentions that the Sun was totally eclipsed. If we assume that Augustus died on August 19 of the year AD 14 we hve to go bck to BC dates to find any earlier eclipse even remotely tallying. The first eclipse of the first cenury AD which was central anywhere near Italy occured on Feb. 15 of AD 17.
Előzmény: IDOHIDEPITO (188)