IDOHIDEPITO Creative Commons License 2004.12.06 0 0 181



153 H.C. [AD] (708 a.u.c.) In Rome Julius Caesar orders the insertion into the calendar of two intercalations of 27 days (wich were left out earlier incorrectly)


154 H.C. [AD] (709 a.u.c.) The Julian calendar is introduced on 2nd of January (according to our present understanding!) 


155 H.C. [AD] (710 a.u.c.) On the ides of Martius (15th of March) Caesar is assassinated in the Senate


164 H.C. [AD] (719 a.u.c.) On 4th of September in Rome an impressive solar eclipse occurs during the consulship  of  L.Gellius L.f.Poplicola and M. Cocceinus Nerva.  


194 H.C. [ADsic!) (749 a.u.c.) Birth of Jesus Christ (hypothesys based on counting backward: 227-33=194) 


195 H.C. [AD] (750 a.u.c.) On the 8th of January Herod the Great orders the execution of Antipater 


         On 13th of January a lunar eclipses occurs


         At the end of January Herod the Great dies.


         End of January-early February: the preparation of his funeral


         February: his body is ceremonially carried to Herodium. 


         After the funeral a seven-day mourning is held.


         March: His sucessor, Herod Herod Archelaus, is awarded Jerusalem


         18th of April: the day of the Jewish Passover. 



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