vince Creative Commons License 2004.11.19 0 0 375
Budapest Airport profits up by 260%   Budapest Times, 7. oldal



Last Thursday Budapest Airport, the operator of Ferihegy international airport said profits are up by 260% in the first three quarters of this year, at HUF 8.5 billion (EUR 34.6 million), with operating profits up by 247% at HUF 5.7 billion (EUR 23.2 million). The change of fortune is attributed to lowering operating costs, forex gains (accounting for HUF 1.5 billion, EUR 6.1 million) and a shift to more profitable business activities in addition to increased traffic. The number of passengers passing through Ferihegy grew by 24.8% yr-on-yr in September to 683,271, Budapest Airport said. For the January to September period, the airport saw 4.8 million passengers, an increase of 29.7% over the same period last year. Figures showed that one in every nine passengers travelled with a budget airline. The amount of air cargo transported in September jumped 31.4% year-on-year to 7,500 tonnes.




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