ezerkilenszaznyolcvannegy Creative Commons License 2004.08.13 0 0 1164


Az olajárak túl a 46$-on.




LONDON (Reuters) - U.S. oil prices set another record on the New York Mercantile Exchange on Friday, topping $46 a barrel, the highest since NYMEX launched its crude contract in 1983.


Usák kereskedelmi deficit Júniusban 55,8 milliárd dollár ( új rekord )




Aug. 13 (Bloomberg) -- The U.S. trade deficit ballooned in June to a record $55.8 billion as imports of crude oil and other industrial supplies surged and slowing growth in Japan and Europe curbed export demand, according to a government report.



Előzmény: ezerkilenszaznyolcvannegy (1162)