Törölt nick Creative Commons License 2004.06.09 0 0 773

Worldwide consumption of gas is expected to more than double by 2030, and natural gas is likely to surpass coal as the world's secondary energy source, the study said
A szakértők a gázpiac megduplázódását várják 2030-ig.

About three fourths of the world's proven gas reserves are in the former Soviet Union and the Middle East, but the demand for gas is expected to rise most rapidly in North America and Europe, with new markets developing in China, South Asia, and Latin America," the study said.

A három negyede a készleteknek a volt SZU és a közel-kelet birtokában van,míg a legnagyobb fogyasztásnövekedést az EU és az USA fogja produkálni,miközben új vevők jelennek meg kínában,délázsiában és latin-amerikában.

The model suggests that Russia will play a pivotal role in price formation in the new integrated global natural gas market, due to the nation's location and sizeable resources and its status as one of the first major gas exporters to the European market," the study said.

By the middle of the next decade, gas from Eastern Siberia is expected to flow to Northern China, the study said. "The presence of low-cost Russian pipeline gas in both Asia and Europe will link Asian and European gas prices. The model also suggests that Russia will eventually enter the LNG trade via the Barents Sea, providing an additional link between gas prices in North America, Europe, and Asia."

The study continued that although other resource-rich nations such as Iran and Saudi Arabia could become major gas players, these nations "are at a disadvantage because they have to bear the fixed costs of market entry since they lack an existing infrastructure to carry their gas to the European and Asian markets."

Neither of these nations, the study predicted, will become a major gas player in the next 2 decades. "[Iran and Saudi Arabia's] entry will be delayed until demand rises enough to accommodate incremental supplies," the study said

A tanulmány szerint eurázsia fő gázszállítója oroszó marad,mivel a közel-keleti országok nem tudják áraikban érvényesíteni az oroszokkal szemben az infrastrúktura kiépítési költségeit,mivel az már viszahozta az árát a ruszkiknak.

SZVSZ:Persze nem szabad elfelejteni,hogy ha az energiaigény az olajforrások bizonytalansága miatt növekszik,akkor a földgáz ára is olyan magasra kerülhet,hogy megéri majd az irániaknak is vezetéket építeni.