ezerkilenszaznyolcvannegy Creative Commons License 2004.06.03 0 0 640
igen, de itt azért befektettek pár millió dolcsit is, és egy-két "nagykutya" is támogatja a dolgot.

This is not being funded by some eccentric billionaire. The impressive results from the Philadelphia plant convinced the US environmental protection agency to put up $14.5m (Ł9m) to fund four more plants, while private investors are backing the Missouri plant to the tune of $40m (Ł25m). The company, Changing World Technologies, has also acquired such powerful friends as James Woolsey, former CIA director, and Alf Andreassen, former science adviser to George Bush. It's worth mentioning such well-connected backers because, says chief executive officer Brian Appel: "When people first hear about us they always say they don't believe it."

a támogatók lelkesedése ugyan tulló egy kicsit a célon: megemlítik, hogy Usákia összes szemetének és mezőgazdasági hulladékának feldolgozásával ki lehetne váltani teljesen az Usák kőolaj-importot - ami évi 4 milliárd hordó.

The company envisions a large chunk of the world's agricultural, industrial and municipal waste going through TDP recycling plants all over the globe. "You are not only cleaning up waste: you are talking about the distributed generation of oil all over the world" says Michael Roberts, an engineer with the Gas Technology Institute. Changing World say that converting all of the US agricultural waste into oil and gas would yield the energy equivalent of 4bn barrels of oil, roughly equal to the volume of US oil imports in 2001. So oil tankers might soon go the way of tea clippers.

Szerintem ennyire nem rózsás a helyzet - de ha komolyan gondolják, és rendesen belefektetnek, akkor kiválthatják az import 3..5%-át.

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