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Office of Nuclear Energy, Science and Technology

U. S. Department of Energy
Nuclear Hydrogen Initiative Nuclear Hydrogen Initiative
February 2004

Goal of the Nuclear Hydrogen Initiative

The goal of the Nuclear Hydrogen Initiative is to
demonstrate the economic, commercial-scale
production of hydrogen using nuclear energy. If
successful, this research could lead to a large-scale,
emission-free, domestic hydrogen production capability
to fuel a future hydrogen economy.

Why Use Nuclear Energy to Produce Hydrogen?

Hydrogen offers significant promise as a future energy
technology, particularly for the transportation sector.
The use of hydrogen in transportation will reduce U.S.
dependence on foreign sources of petroleum, enhancing
our national security. Significant progress in hydrogen
combustion engines and fuels cells is making
transportation by hydrogen a reality.
The primary challenge to the increased use of hydrogen
as part of the Nation’s overall energy infrastructure is
the cost associated with its production, storage and
delivery. Hydrogen is the most common element in the
universe and can be produced from readily available
sources such as methane and water. However, existing
hydrogen production methods are either inefficient or
produce greenhouse gases. Nuclear energy has the
potential to efficiently produce large quantities of
hydrogen without producing greenhouse gases and
hence, to play a significant role in hydrogen production.

Developing an Integrated Hydrogen Program

The President’s Hydrogen Fuel Initiative is a new
research and development effort to reverse America’s
growing dependence on foreign oil and expand the
availability of clean, abundant energy. Hydrogen is
produced today on an industrial scale in the
petrochemical industry by a process of steam reforming,
using natural gas as both source material and heat
Recent research conducted under the Department’s
Nuclear Energy Research Initiative (NERI) indicates
the possibility of hydrogen production through the
thermochemical splitting of water. Nuclear heat,
supplied to a hydrogen-producing thermochemical
plant through an intermediate heat exchanger, promises
high efficiency and avoids the use of carbon fuels.
Using very-high-temperature advanced reactors, such
as Generation IV gas-cooled or liquid metal-cooled
reactors, nuclear energy can produce hydrogen in very
large quantities
consistently over long periods of time
without emitting greenhouse gases or other harmful
air emissions. The Department is also exploring several
other processes, including the high-temperature
electrolysis of water.
Significant research and development (R&D) will be
required in order to complete a commercial-scale
demonstration. The hydrogen production system and
heat transfer components, such as intermediate heat
exchangers, will require the evaluation and
development of high-temperature, corrosion-resistant
The Office of Nuclear Energy, Science and Technology
(NE) has developed a Nuclear Hydrogen R&D plan,
which defines the objectives and goals of the Nuclear
Hydrogen Initiative and identifies the R&D required
to deploy the most promising technologies.
As part of the President’s Hydrogen Fuel Initiative, the
Nuclear Hydrogen Initiative is being implemented in
close cooperation with programs in other DOE offices
that are conducting hydrogen R&D -- the Offices of
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Fossil
Energy, and Science. This cooperation eliminates
redundancy while ensuring that R&D is complimentary.
NE has also established substantial cooperation in this
area with its international research partners.

Program Highlights

The Nuclear Hydrogen Initiative addresses the need
for greater utilization of our energy resources by
developing energy conversion systems to economically
produce hydrogen for use in our national transportation
Program milestones include:
• FY 2006: Complete a demonstration of
laboratory-scale thermochemical and high-temperature
electrolysis hydrogen production systems.
• FY 2010: Begin operation of a pilot-scale hydrogen
production system.
• FY 2013: Complete the final design of a
commercial-scale nuclear hydrogen production
• FY 2014: Initiate construction of the
commercial-scale nuclear hydrogen demonstration
• FY 2017: Complete construction and checkout of
the nuclear hydrogen demonstration facility and
initiate demonstrate of commercial-scale hydrogen

FY 2003 Accomplishments:

• A Nuclear Hydrogen R&D Plan was developed that
defined and prioritized the necessary R&D to
develop, design and construct hydrogen production

FY 2004 Planned Accomplishments:

• Complete final designs for the baseline
thermochemical and high-temperature electrolysis
laboratory-scale systems.
• Prepare report identifying materials requirements for
baseline hydrogen production processes.
• Prepare report identifying potential applications for
membranes in nuclear-compatible hydrogen
production processes.
• Identify infrastructure requirements for the pilot plant
demonstration of hydrogen production processes.

FY 2005 Planned Accomplishments:
• Complete conceptual design and begin preliminary
design for the baseline thermochemical and
high-temperature electrolysis pilot plants.
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