Törölt nick Creative Commons License 2004.05.04 0 0 256
Nat-gas prices may not drop as expected

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Naszóval,az ami földgázárak nem akarnak csökkeni.
Analysts called strained supplies in the United States and Canada the main culprit in the case for near-record high prices this year.

They said output from U.S. gas fields is still struggling and not likely to improve much this year.

While the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), the statistics arm of the U.S. Department of Energy, estimates that domestic gas production was up slightly last year and could rise 1 percent in 2004, many experts disagree.

Instead, they're projecting overall output will decline slightly this year after a flat or down year in 2003.

In addition, Canada is wrestling with dwindling output from mature fields, offering little hope that exports to the U.S., which fell 5 to 7 percent last year, will improve in 2004.

Natehát , az usa és kanada földgáztermelése az elmúlt években szinten volt,most viszont a belefecölt pénztöl függetlenül több szakértő alőrejelzése szerint csökken.(az ami energiahivatal szerint viszont növekedni fog)
Akanadaiak exportja az usa-ba 5-7%-ot esett.

"Between the end of February 2002 and the end of February 2004, the price of oil in dollars rose by 51 percent (from $20 a barrel in 2002 to more than $35 a barrel today), but it rose by only 4 percent in euros," recall Leone and Wasow. "Over the same two-year period, the US currency plunged from 1.16 euros per dollar to 0.80 euros per dollar. In this situation, it is perfectly rational for foreign suppliers of oil to charge more dollars.... Dollars today simply do not possess the same purchasing power that they did a few years ago — a situation that will persist as long as it is painfully obvious that the administration has no plan to reduce the deficit. As the value of the dollar falls, of course, OPEC raises the dollar price of oil."

Hát,ez is lehet ok.

Let’s first take a closer look at the fabled $10 trillion U.S. economy. The lion’s share of the annual output of the American economy is, in fact, accounted for by private consumption. That share has risen from about 61 percent in 1967 to 70 percent in 2002. As they have consumed more, so Americans have saved ever less: the savings rate averaged about 10 percent between 1973 and 1983; at its low point, in 1999, it touched 1.6 percent, and it has risen only slightly to 3.6 percent in 2003. The only way that the United States has been able to achieve such rapid economic growth in the past decade has been by financing investment with the savings of foreigners. As a result it has gone from being the world’s banker to being the world’s debtor: the country’s net international-investment position was about 12 percent of GDP in 1980; in 2002 it was close to minus 25 percent.

Foreign lending also underwrites the American government. Some 46 percent of the total federal debt in public hands is now held by foreigners, and the bulk of the most recent purchases have been made by Asian central banks, particularly the Japanese and the Chinese. The fact that the financial stability of the United States today depends on the central bank of the People’s Republic of China is not widely known. Yet the significance is great. A debtor power can’t possibly exert the same leverage as a creditor power, and U.S. deficits look likely to grow as the baby-boom generation approaches retirement, because only a minority will have made adequate provision for the idleness and illness of old age. One recent estimate of the implicit “fiscal imbalance” between future spending and tax revenue arrived at the mind-boggling figure of $45 trillion.

Az ami gazdaság alapja a fogyasztás,ami 70%-ot tesz ki a teljes gazdaságbol.Ez most már oda juttata a gazdaságot,hogy a a külfödli kézben lévő állampapiroktol függ a dollár és a gazdaság az usa-ban.
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