dr_bubo Creative Commons License 2004.02.16 0 0 175
Neurologists create a font of human nerve cells

Scientists have created an unlimited supply of a type of nerve cell found in the spinal cord – a self-renewing cell line that offers a limitless supply of human nerve cells in the laboratory. Such a supply has long been one goal of neurologists anxious to replace dead or dying cells with healthy ones in a host of neurological diseases


Spinal cords fixed in tests
By Lee Bowman
Scripps Howard News Service
With a genetic tweak, scientists have created an unlimited supply of a type of nerve cells found in the spinal cord and have been able to use the cells to partially repair damaged spinal cords in lab animals.
While application of the discovery to humans is still years away, being able to generate such a limitless supply of the specialized nerve cells has long been a goal toward treating many neurological diseases.
