FAITH Creative Commons License 2003.09.18 0 0 134

A FIGHT broke out yesterday after David Beckham bumped into a photographer as hetried to drive out of his hotel.
The snapper shouted out in pain and apparently slammed his fist on the bonnet ofBecks's Audi A8, denting it.
Security guards rushed out of the hotel and a brawl broke out with 15 waitingjournalists. Police were called.
A police spokesman said: "We spoke to all parties and are investigating."Photographers had been waiting for Becks, 28, to come out of the Santo Maurohotel in central Madrid.He emerged looking ashen-faced. His son Romeo, one, had two stitches in his headafter falling down an escalator the day before. Becks grew frustrated as hewaited in a traffic jam surrounded by photographers.He revved up and accelerated two yards behind the car in front, nudging theSpanish photographer. An agent with Becks' promotional firm SFX filmed with acamcorder as the situation became heated.Becks stayed in the car looking glum.
He eventually escaped the jam to make itto a pre-match meal with his Real Madrid team-mates.
His wife Victoria's sister Louise Adams crashed her Porsche last week afterbeing photographed outside the hotel. And Becks complained to police about hissafety after being cut-up by journalists.In another incident, he had to go into King Juan Carlos's palace to escape.
And he was stunned when a fan ran on to the pitch after a league game earlier thismonth and grabbed him around the throat.
A friend of the Beckhams said: "David has now seen the downside of life inMadrid. The non-stop attention is getting a bit much."