Törölt nick Creative Commons License 2003.05.16 0 0 3
Én is épp ilyesmi után nézelődtem pár napja:



- Our G-400 and later graphics cards, be it AGP4x or AGP2x, are compatible with virtually all motherboards.
However, if the motherboard calls for a 1.5V card ONLY to be installed, the 2x versions of our G400 card may not work properly.

We've identified the G400 boards that support AGP 4x transfer rates with
an additional '4A' in the part number: G4+MDH4A32GB/40.

G400 boards without the '4A' in the part number will be the models that may not work with 1.5V only motherboards.

Please note that all models of the Marvel G400, G450, G450 eTV, and G550 series are not affected as an agp 2x version of these cards do not exist.


Rögtön néztem is a G400-am, szerencsére rajta van a "4A".