valleyboy Creative Commons License 2003.03.11 0 0 44
Március, áprilisban ismét észak-amerikai turné lesz, Ricky Warwick vendégeskedésével. Egyre kíváncsibb vagyok Ricky szólólemezére...

"Ah well - when Ricky was recording Tattoos & Alibis at Joe's studio at his home in Dublin - they had Scott Gorham come and play on a track. One night they were just chilling out and sitting around when the farmer from next door rang to say his cows had gotten loose in Joe's garden again!! Joe's response was 'I'll just fetch me shotgun' And there they were, Scott Gorham, Joe Elliott and Ricky Warwick - all running round Joe's garden rounding these cows up with Joe armed with a shotgun!"