Ráphul Creative Commons License 2002.09.11 0 0 880
Hi all!

Óriási ez a game, nemtom hogy maradt ki nekem '99-ben. Egy nagyon jó link: http://www.strategyplanet.com/jaggedalliance/
Van itt egy nagyon fullos guide (Patusco's, 98 oldal), de vigyázat, tele spoilerrel.


-JA3 is in very early development, and not officially announced yet.
-It will be revolutionary - Dramaticly different from the previous titles.
-The game is being designed with multi-player in mind.
-It will be in 3D, but no details available at the moment.
-There'll be much more RPG elements and less "war game" elements.
-More story content, and more variation in setting.
-Chris Camfield (Gumpy :) is heading the design
-New combat model, that tries to combine the good parts of turn-based and realtime combat.
-Sir-Tech has planned creating AI that is able to work in teams

Ez nagyon semmilyen még, bármi kisülhet belőle.