Törölt nick Creative Commons License 2002.05.02 0 0 567
Nem tartok. Azt hallottam róla, hogy néha elindul világgá, aztán kiszárad és megdöglik.

Ezt találtam a neten róla. A lényeg: sok növényt és halat eszik, feltétlenül kell neki napozóhely, megszökés ellen kerítés ajánlott a tó köré.

Turtle in the Pond
You must have a big enough pond to supply the turtle with enough plants and fish to keep the turtle from eating everything in sight. In the summer the turtle will have a hard time keeping up with lush plant growth. Water hyacinths and water lettuce can really take off in most climates and will keep a turtle very happy.
Feeder goldfish and rosie red minnows breed like crazy and can keep ahead of a turtle.
Younger turtles eat more fish than plants. And most adult turtles eat more plants than fish. Except snappers, but nobody can get very fond of a snapping turtle and they are usually invited to move on. And painted turtle adults still like fish.
A turtle can be somewhat mollified with offerings of turtle chow, veggies and fruit, fresh worms or garden snails. But somewhere along the line the wild, hunting heart of a turtle will beat fast within his breast and the hunting your fish and plants will happen.

The turtle should have a safe place to bask so it can raise its body temperature. Basking is the only heating mechanism a turtle has. Turtles, in warmish and sunny weather, will spend 5 to 6 hours a day hanging out and soaking up rays. Most folks float a waterlogged branch or build an island in the pond. It is important that the turtle can climb on the basking space. They are not the best athletes.

A turtle makes nice sized turtle business in the pond so the pond should have a very efficient mechanical and biological filter.

Only native turtles should be kept outside in case they escape. A fenced yard or a small fence, with buried footing, around the pond will help curb the wanderlust. Turtles can climb and turtles can dig so the fencing must be serious.

If you live in a more northern climate come winter the turtle will go to the bottom of the pond and become dormant (or burmate) under some sunken lily leaves for the winter (but may pop up if there is a warm spell). In southern climates turtles may be active all year round or have just a month or two of inactivity.

It is important not to let the pond freeze completely over but always keep a hole in the ice (an air pump with an air stone will do).

You can adopt a turtle from a turtle rehabber in your area and many vets know the names of local rehabbers.
Rehabbers usually have lots of healthy native turtles ready for adoption.

Előzmény: l-l (562)