huszabi Creative Commons License 2001.07.06 0 0 1131


Sir Alex Ferguson believes that Juan Sebastian Veron is just the tonic that Manchester United need as they begin their quest for a fourth successive Premiership title

The taciturn Scot is convinced that the Argentinian World Cup ace, who is scheduled to arrive from Lazio next week in a £24.6m deal, will have the same impact as last summer's big-name acquisition, Fabien Barthez.

"Veron is a terrific player, that's for sure," Ferguson told The Mirror.

"He's an attacking midfielder with good physique, good stamina. He has a good attitude towards the game. He will improve us, I'm sure of that.

"He will also give us plenty of options. We need that one player who will give everyone at the club a lift.

"We need an outfield player who can influence everyone like our keeper Fabien Barthez does."

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