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"Control surfaces on wide body aircraft require heavy counterweights, yet have insufficient surface clearance for lighter materials. Tungsten (with density 19.3 g/cm3) or DU are ideal materials for this application where volume constraints prohibit the use of less dense metals. An airplane such as Boeing 747 needs 1,500 kg of counterweights [9]. DU counterweights for Boeing are made by the Starmet Corp. (formerly Nuclear Metals), a Massachusetts based company, in their Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) approved facility."

"A szelestorzsu repulogepek kormanyfeluletei jelentos ellensulyokat igenyelnek, de ezek kis surusegu anyagokbol nem keszithetok helyhiany miatt. Idealis anyagnak tekintheto a wolfram (ro=19.3 g/cm2) es a szegenyitett uran [ro=19.05 g/cm3] mindazokon a teruleteken, ahol a helyszuke lehetetlenne teszi konnyebb anyagok alkalmazasat. Egy 747 meretu repulogepen mintegy 1500 kg ellensuly talalhato. A szegenyitett uran ellensulyokat a Boeing szamara a Starmet Corp (korabbi neven Nuclear Metals) ceg kesziti Massachusetts-ben. Az ellensulyokat gyarto uzem rendelkezik az FAA jovahagyasaval."

Kicsit kesobb:

"On October 4, 1992, an Israeli El Al cargo jet crashed in a fireball in Amsterdam, in which 43 people were killed. A year later, the LAKA Foundation in Amsterdam revealed that the plane contained counterweights made of depleted uranium. This news considerably upset residents of Bijlmer (an Amsterdam suburb). Each Boeing 747 contains 1,500 kg of counterweights made of tungsten or DU. Boeing and El Al spokesmen claimed that the crashed plane contained only 380 kg of DU in the tail rudder. About 150 kg of DU was recovered and transported to COVRA, the Dutch national agency for radioactive waste management. Surface soil layer of 40 cm had been removed from the crash area [48], [55]."

"1992 oktober negyediken egy El Al teherszallito gep felrobbant es lezuhant Amsterdamban, a balesetben 43-an haltak meg. Egy evvel kesobb az amszterdami LAKA alapitvany nyilvanossagra hozta, hogy a lezuhant gep ellensulyai szegenyitett uraniumbol keszultek. Ez a hir felzaklatta az erintett amszterdami kerulet, Bijlmer lakoit. A Boeing es az El Al szovivoi szerint a katasztrofaban megsemmisult gep csak 380 kg szegenyitett uran ellensuly volt. Ebbol mintegy 150 kg-ot gyujtottek ossze es szallitottak a holland radioaktiv szennyezodeseket kezelo kozpontba. A baleset kornyekerol a talaj felso 40 cm-et osszegyujtottek es elszallitottak."

A hivatkozott forrasok:

[9] P. Loewenstein: Industrial Uses of Depleted Uranium, Vol. I; American Society for Metals, (1989).

[48] H. Van der Keur: Uranium Pollution from the Amsterdam 1992 Plane Crash; WISE News Communiqué No. 463/464, (December 1996). http://www.antenna.nl/wise/463-464/4609.html

[55] S.-H. Guenther: How DU Shell Residues Poison Iraq, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia; Metal of Dishonor, International Action Center, (May 1997) http://www.enviroweb.org/hecweb/archive/nucs/du_dishonor.htm