Tróger Creative Commons License 2000.11.13 0 0 2
Úgy látom egy kicsit korai volt még bedobni ezt a topicot, hehe. Vagy ennyire nem érdekel senkit?
Na sebaj, akit érdekel, annak itt van egy, a játékkal kapcsolatos FAQ/GYIK (angoltudás előny :-)):

Q: What's the release date?
A: Our current release schedule is before the holidays.

Q: Is it a mod, or is it a game of its own?
A: Gunman Chronicles is a game based on the Half-Life engine. All Half-Life content has been replaced, and none of the plot, characters, or items has anything to do with Half-Life.

Q: Will I need Half-Life to play Gunman Chronicles?
A: No, Gunman Chronicles is a full stand-alone game. You will not need Half-life installed in order to play Gunman Chronicles.

Q: Will you have a demo?
A: We are planning on releasing a demo when we're close to being completed.

Q: How big is Gunman Chronicles?
A: Gunman Chronicles is a full sized game. Right now we have around 70 levels, 1200 sound effects, 30 monsters, 19 megabytes of original textures, 8 configurable weapons, drivable vehicles, and more!

Q: Will there be multiplayer?
A: We're working on some basic multiplayer content, and it is likely that we'll add more features to multiplayer in post-release updates.