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Extension Goat Handbook

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Library. However, users should direct all inquires about the contents to
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DOCN 000000043
NO E-6
AU M. Loewenstein
J. F. Frank
S. J. Speck; U. of Georgia, Athens
RV J. H. Wojchick; USDA- Eastern Reg. Res. Ctr., Philadelphia, PA
DE Milk and Milk Handling

1 Cheese is perhaps the first food to be manufactured that is
currently consumed by man. The oldest written records have references
to cheese as a food. Today, cheese is available in an almost
innumerable variety of kinds, flavors and consistencies. Agriculture
Handbook No. 54, Cheese Varieties and Descriptions, published by USDA
describes over 400 varieties and indexes over 800 names. Why? The
answer is that it is made by many different races of people under
widely varying conditions all over the face of the earth. And the
people who eat it like the various flavors and consistencies produced.

2 For a better understanding of the art and sciences of cheese-making
one needs to know what kind of product it is and how the manufacturing
procedures developed over the years. Even though the varieties differ
quite widely in composition, cheese can be characterized as a product
made from milk in which the protein is coagulated and concentrated.
The collection of protein is accompanied by recovery of most of the fat
in the milk by its entrapment in the curd. Other constituents in milk
remain in the curd or are removed with the whey depending on their
solubility (fat soluble vitamins and minerals associated with protein
are retained in the curd; water soluble vitamins and minerals are
passed off in the whey).

3 For centuries, cheesemaking has been a farm or home industry with
the individual producer using surplus milk to make small batches of
cheese. Goat cheesemaking in the US still follows this general
practice. It was, and still is to a considerable degree, an art; since
the middle of the 19th century however, more and more cheese has been
made in specially equipped factories with greater application of
science in the manufacturing procedure. Milk from all species has been
used for cheesemaking. Because more attention has been given to
increasing the productivity of the bovine species, a large proportion
of commercial cheese is now made from cow milk; the milk from the
buffalo, zebu, sheep and goat is also used extensively.

4 There are rather significant differences in the proportions of
major components (fat, protein, lactose and ash) in the milk from these
various species and there are also important differences in the
chemical nature of each of these components. Thus, it is to be expected
that a given manufacturing procedure will produce cheese differing in
flavor and consistency when made from the milk of different species.
The milk may even respond to the manufacturing procedure in a different
way. Much of this difference can be minimized or eliminated by
adjusting or standardizing the composition of the milk from the various
species to a common level before using it in cheesemaking. More about
that later.

5 Just as the nature of the milk from which it is made causes
variations in the characteristics of the cheese, so can modifications
of the manufacturing procedure. In spite of the development of the
cheesemaking art over centuries by many individual practitioners,
certain basic processes are common to all. Even though many
modifications of each may be utilized, the four basic steps in
cheesemaking are:

1. Preparation of the cheese milk

2. Coagulation of the protein

3. Freeing coagulated protein (curd) from whey and collecting it
into a defined mass.

4. Aging under controlled conditions to produce desired flavor and

6 In this discussion of goat cheesemaking, each step will be treated
in some detail. In most of the material, there will be no special
methodology required for making cheese from goat milk, when compared
with the use of milk from other species; when special techniques are
required, they will be discussed at length. For more detailed
information on cheesemaking procedures than can be given here, refer
to the book ''Cheese and Fermented Milk Foods'' by Frank V. Kosikowski,
Edwards Brothers, Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan distributor.

7 Preparation of Cheese Milk
The cheesemaker must have high quality milk to make high quality
cheese. The production of high quality milk has been discussed before.
In summary, milk selected for cheesemaking must be free of
objectionable flavor, free of all foreign materials, including
antibiotics, free of pathogenic organisms and contain relatively few
nonpathogenic bacteria and somatic cells.

8 Standardization
Probably the most important aspect of preparing milk for
cheesemaking is the standardization for composition, that is, adjusting
the fat and protein content to the desired proportion. This is of
extreme importance for two major reasons: it is necessary in order to
produce cheese which is legal in composition and to provide uniformity
in the cheese made. Agriculture Handbook No. 51, ''Federal and State
Standards for the Composition of Milk Products,'' is the most
comprehensive source of information on this subject. Those making
cheese in the home for personal consumption obviously do not need to be
greatly concerned about composition, but if cheese is to be sold in the
market, it will have to meet some standard.

9 Making saleable cheese from goat milk will pose a problem in
respect to composition. The problem arises from the fact that goat
milk, collected from only a few does, is more variable in fat and
protein content than is cow milk. Wide variation in those components
results from having most of the milk producing animals at the same stage
of lactation at any given time and also because mid-lactation, when
fat and protein are expected to be low, usually comes in mid-summer when
climatic conditions favor production of low fat, low solids milk.
Experience has shown that milk may vary from 2to 5 22568349762258770000000
mid-summer and late fall; milk solids-not-fat may vary from 7to 90r
more during the same time span. Cheese made from milk differing so
widely in composition will vary in a similar manner. Also, the
cheesemaker may experience difficulty making cheese with the low fat,
low solids milk.

10 How can the goat cheesemaker solve this problem? While any one
making cheese for only personal consumption can just ignore the
situation and follow personal desire, those making cheese for sale
cannot. To make cheese which is uniform in composition, which is legal,
to be offered for sale, two conditions must be met. Provisions must be
made to test the milk (and the cheese if possible) for its fat and
total solids content, and a source of concentrated goat cream and goat
milk solids-not-fat must be available. The Babcock Test is the
analytical tool most widely used to determine fat content of milk and

11 Although the test is quite simple and can be performed wherever
cheese is made, it does require special equipment and supplies which
are somewhat expensive. Total solids content is determined by drying a
weighed sample to constant weight in an oven at 212F (100C) and
calculating the percent of sample found in the moisture free residue.
A very accurate scale must be used to weigh the residue. Sweet cream,
if needed for standardization of cheese milk, can be obtained from the
fluid milk. It probably will be necessary to have a centrifugal
separator to produce the needed cream since gravity separation of cream
in goat milk is slow and incomplete. Since cheese is usually made from
ungraded milk (or surplus Grade A milk) it is usually possible to add
nonfat dry milk (the only known source of nonfat dry goat milk is
Ozark Milk Products, Yellville, Arkansas - it is not Grade A quality)
to cheese milk to standardize the milk solids-not-fat content. Such
standardization may be necessary to maintain the quality of cheese
when the milk solids-not-fat content of the milk decreases to less than
8 In the manufacture of any specific variety of cheese, it is
important to determine the ratio of fat to protein (or milk
solids-not-fat) needed to meet legal standards for that cheese, then
standardize the cheese milk to that ratio.

12 Bacterial Quality
Most cheese making procedures involve controlled growth/activity of
bacteria and/or enzymes in either the coagulation stage, the aging
stage, or both. The necessary control may not be possible unless the
cheese milk is unusually low in bacteria count or is pasteurized. Since
it is possible that the milk may contain pathogenic microorganisms, it
is very desirable (legally required in most states if the cheese is to
be sold) that all cheese consumed when fresh be made from pasteurized
milk. Some very competent cheesemakers who can be highly selective in
the milk used for cheese, use unpasteurized milk for making those
varieties of cheese which must undergo prolonged aging -pathogenic
organisms are supposedly destroyed in the aging process. Because
heating milk causes some physical changes in its fat and protein
components, pasteurization usually involves the least heat treatment
permitted. In the cheese factory equipped with a continuous HTST
pasteurizer, treatment at 161F (71.6C) for 15 seconds is usual; in the
home or small factory, pasteurization is best accomplished with a
treatment of 145F (62.7C) for 30 minutes. If volume justifies the
cost, this may be done in a pasteurizer vat, but can be accomplished
easily by placing the milk containing vessel (preferably a stainless
steel, flat bottomed, rectangularly shaped container not exceeding 12
inches in height) in a shallow pan containing 1-2 inches of water over
the heating unit. An accurate thermometer should be used. Heating and
holding should be followed immediately by cooling the cheese milk to
the setting temperature (the best temperature for obtaining
coagulation). For most cheese varieties, utilizing the production of
lactic acid by rapidly multiplying bacteria to cause or aid in protein
coagulation, the setting temperature should be in the range of 72-90F

13 Setting the Cheese
This term is associated with practice and procedures followed in
coagulating the milk protein. The three processes most often involved
are: (1) culturing the cheese milk with substantial numbers of
desirable bacteria (predominantly lactic acid forming) and controlling
incubation conditions, the milk protein is coagulated when sufficient
lactic acid is produced - giving a titratable acidity (TA) of 0.50 -
0.55, pH of 4.6 - 4.9; (2) culturing the cheese milk with protease
enzyme (rennet), incubating at favorable temperature until protein is
coagulated - with very little change in TA or pH; the third procedure
is a combination of one and two. In a modification of the first
procedure, no bacterial culture is used; instead of producing protein
coagulation by the more time consuming lactic acid formation by
bacterial growth, the acid may be added directly to the milk to produce
almost instantaneous coagulation.

14 Each of the preceeding setting procedures is recommended for the
manufacture of some specific variety of cheese. Most of the cheese
varieties which are consumed fresh are set by an acid coagulation
process; cheese varieties consumed after aging are generally made by
the enzyme setting process. Specific examples of the application of
these methods of setting follow. Cottage and pot cheese made from skim
milk, Neufchatel made from whole milk, or cream cheese made from cream
(12-15 22568349762258770000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
procedures. If only bacterial culturing is used, the setting
temperature suggested is 72-80F (22-27C) and 8 to 16 hours is generally
required to form the coagulated curd. If a combination of bacterial
culturing and enzyme coagulation is used, the range in setting
temperature should be 80-90F; the bacterial culture should be added and
incubated for about an hour then the enzyme added. Coagulation should
be completed in 4-6 hours. Several varieties of cheese may also be made
by adding an acid directly to the milk to cause almost instantaneous
coagulation. Acid materials which can be used include hydrochloric
acid, lactic acid (purchased as a pure concentrate or in the form of
very sour whey from cultured cheesemaking), vinegar (acetic acid), or
citrus fruit (lemon, lime) juice. If these acidulants are added to warm
milk, the coagulated protein will tend to be granular or grainy and is
difficult to process into a smooth, creamy cheese. If the acidulant is
added to very cold milk which is then slowly warmed without stirring
to setting temperature, a smoother, less grainy coagulum will usually
result. Cheeses which are aged 60 days or more, such as Cheddar, Brick,
Blue, Camembert, or most Italian varieties, are generally set by the
enzyme-only method, or by adding a very limited amount of bacterial
culture followed by immediate addition of the enzyme material.

15 All of these varieties of cheese, normally made in the US from cow
milk, can be made from goat milk. The following table is a summary of
the setting conditions for some cheeses when made from goat milk. This
table shows the conditions of greatest importance to the cheesemaker
handling fairly large volumes of milk, but can serve as a guide to the
home manufacturer also.

16 Curd Recovery and Treatment
Determining just the proper time to terminate the incubation phase
and commence the curd recovery phase of cheesemaking is probably the
most difficult decision required in cheesemaking. While there is an
optimum for each cheese variety, the desired qualities or
characteristics are quite similar for all. For acid coagulated cheese,
tests for titratable acidity or pH can be used to determine when
coagulation has occured. For enzyme coagulated cheese, or if the acid
degree tests (TA or pH) cannot be made, other less objective tests can
be made. Many experienced cheesemakers use the following test. Insert
the thermometer into the coagulated milk at a 45 angle then lift the
tip up through the curd and observe the way the coagulum breaks. The
hole left when the thermometer is removed should fill with clear whey in
a short time. It will break cleanly in a fairly straight line when the
proper firmness has developed - experience is needed to determine the
proper ''curd break'' for each cheese variety.

17 When the coagulum has attained the proper characteristics it is
ready to be cut. This may be done at home with a long thin spatula or
knife; commercial cheesemakers will use metal frames, sized and shaped
to fit their cheese vat, having parallel fine wires spaced at regular
intervals. Pairs of frames are generally used with one having the
wires attached in a vertical pattern and the other in a horizontal
pattern. By passing the frame with the vertical wires through the curd
in the container first lengthwise then crosswise, and following that
with the frame having the horizontal wires, the curd is cut into
uniformly sized cubes. The size of the cubes is determined by the
spacing of the wires. Uniformity in particle size is conducive to
regular expulsion of whey and uniformity of cheese. Large curd
particles tend to retain more moisture (whey) than small particles. The
cut curd is allowed to remain undisturbed for a short time to undergo
some firming due to whey expulsion.

18 Up to this stage, the manufacture of all cheese has been quite
similar but from this point on the process is different and specific
for each variety. Space does not permit a detailed description of
each; a number of books, bulletins and other publications are available
describing specific manufacturing procedures in detail. Those who wish
to enter into the business of making and selling cheese should refer to
such publications as well as confer with the proper regulatory
officials. Others who desire to make cheese for personal consumption
may wish to recover the coagulated protein by any simple method. Most
such methods involve the application of mild heat (cooking) to help
firm the curd particles and expedite whey expulsion. Heating may vary
from only a few degrees above setting temperature to as high as 130F
with times varying from a few minutes to one hour or longer. Heating
should be accompanied with mild stirring - sufficient to prevent the
curd particles from remaining on the bottom or fusing together.

19 When the curd particles have reached the desired firmness and whey
retention, the excess whey should be removed and the curd drained. The
simplest way to accomplish this is to dip, siphon or drain off (through
a valve in the cheese making vessel) the free whey using some form of
strainer to retain the curd particles as the liquid whey flows. In
some cheesemaking procedures, when cooking is minimal, very little free
whey can be removed, so that most of the coagulum is transferred to the
curd collecting device. In all cheesemaking processes, final expulsion
of whey and curd collection is accomplished by some special technique.
These may vary from a cloth filter bag into which the high moisture
curd may be ladled, to lined molds of many sizes and shapes, to
allowing the curd particles to settle to the bottom of the cheesemaking
vessel where further drainage and matting together occurs. In this
process, weight or pressure may be applied to fuse the curds into a
solid mass and to further reduce the moisture retained in the curd.

20 Variations from simple cooking, draining, and curd collecting can
be used in this stage of cheese manufacture. Salt is frequently added
to the curd during the final stages of draining, or the newly formed
cheese block is floated in a salt brine. The addition of salt improves
the flavor, texture, and keeping quality of the cheese. Cheese
frequently contains one or more percent salt.

21 In several procedures, after the free whey is removed, the curd is
held at incubation temperature for 1/2 to 1-1/2 hours with frequent
stirring, or compact in masses matted together, in order to promote
bacterial and enzyme activity and speed up the aging process. In some
instances, bacterial or enzyme concentrates may be added during this
stage so as to produce more rapid and more controlled flavor and
texture development during aging. At the completion of this stage of
processing, the whey-free curd is either ready for consumption, or has
been formed into regularly shaped masses suitable for storing and

22 While each of the foregoing processes makes some contribution to
the particular flavor, body and texture qualities of each variety of
cheese, the manner and time of aging probably influences those
qualities more than all other phases of manufacture. Those cheeses
eaten while fresh obviously owe their flavor, body and texture
qualities to the manner in which manufactured -including the
incorporation of flavor inducing ingredients. Cottage cheese may be
consumed as just the curd, but usually is found to be more palatable
if a milk or cream dressing is added. Many variations of cottage cheese
can be derived by the addition of fruit, vegetables, nuts and other
condiments. Baker's or pot cheese is similar to cottage but is usually
softer and of higher moisture content and is generally used without any
added flavoring material as an ingredient in other foods such as
cheesecake. Neufchatel and cream cheese, being higher in fat content,
are richer tasting than cottage or Baker's, but can be flavored in the
same way and are practically interchangeable as to usage.

23 Those varieties of cheese which are consumed after 60 or more days
of aging present special problems. The purpose of aging is to develop
specific flavor, body and texture qualities; these result from the
growth and activity of microorganisms and enzymes. For such development
to take place, the cheese must be maintained under conditions
favorable to the growth and activity desired. These same aging
conditions can also result in objectionable changes if the original milk
was contaminated with undesirable microorganisms, or if improper
manufacturing procedures were used. Aging large quantities of cheese
requires special physical facilities. Sufficient space must be provided
to contain more than the amount of cheese produced in a time span equal
to the expected age of the cheese when ready to consume. Such space
must be under strict control as to temperature and humidity. If the
cheese is to be sold when 90 days old, sufficient cubic footage of
space, climate controlled with shelving, for storage of the amount of
cheese which is to be manufactured in 90 days must be provided.
Obviously, the space will have to be reused several times annually if
cheese production is continuous.

24 There are numerous variations in the way in which the compressed
masses of cheese curd may be treated in preparation for aging. In aging
cheese, those microorganisms and enzymes which were active in
coagulating the protein are retained in the cheese and contribute to
physical and chemical changes throughout the aging. Whether or not
they predominate depends on what other ripening agents (bacteria,
yeast, molds and/or enzymes) are added during curd collection and
pressing or in the early stages of aging. Most cheese contains added
salt; it may be incorporated in any phase of manufacture (several
varieties of cheese are made from milk containing high levels of added
salt) by adding to the curd during pressing, by soaking the formed
masses of curd in brine, or by surface application of dry salt.
Numerous varieties of cheese owe their characteristic flavor, body and
texture qualities to the predominating activity of a single kind of
agent throughout the aging period (several examples are Blue cheese
innoculated early in the aging process with Penicillium roqueforti and
Brick or Limburger from the bacteria Brevibacterium linens.

25 Directions for Making Goat Cheese in the Home
Up to this point this discussion has dealt with cheesemaking
procedures in general and their application to goat cheese. It warrants
reiteration that most varieties of cheese can be made from goat milk -
some adjustment of milk composition might be necessary, and aged
cheeses made from goat milk would not be identical to those made from
cow milk in terms of flavor, body and texture. It is the purpose of
this final section to give specific directions for making several
varieties of cheese from goat milk only for home consumption with
equipment and supplies usually found in the home. It is hardly worth
the time to make cheese unless at least one gallon of milk is

26 Cottage or Baker's Cheese -- Collect surplus milk, selecting that
which is free of objectionable odors; cool to and hold at 40F until
used. Skim off cream; use the skim or low fat milk for cheese and the
cream as cheese dressing. Better quality cheese can be made from
pasteurized milk; collect all the milk to be processed in a flat
bottomed straight sided vessel (rectangular shape is best) and heat to
just 145F using low heat or by placing vessel in a slightly larger one
containing water. Try not to exceed 145F; hold at that temperature 30
minutes, then cool at 72-80F by circulating cold water around milk
containing vessel. Use a dairy thermometer.

27 Innoculate cheese milk with desirable lactic acid fermenting
bacterial culture. Initial source may be purchased commercial
buttermilk, sour whey saved from previous cheesemaking (if not more than
4 days old and held at 40F) may be used if it has clean acid taste and
no gas formation has occurred. Add about 5 0nnoculum (6-1/2 to 7 oz to
1 gallon or 8 oz to 10 lb of milk), stir well, and set undisturbed
where temperature will remain at 72-80F until firm curd is formed in
10-16 hours.

28 If raw milk is used for making cheese it must be of the best
possible quality and as fresh as possible. Follow the procedure outlined
previously; it will be best to purchase a fresh source of innoculum for
each batch of cheese.

29 When the curd has attained the proper degree of firmness, as
determined by the way it breaks when the thermometer is lifted through
it, do the best possible to cut curd into uniform cubes not more than
1/2 inch in size, using a knife, spatula, or wire cutter.

30 Allow the curd to remain undisturbed for a few minutes, then begin
to warm it very slowly, with frequent but delicate stirring. Cooking
temperature should not exceed 135F and should continue till curd has
desired firmness and freedom from whey.

31 When the curd has the desired firmness, discontinue heating and
stirring. Dip, siphon, or decant the excess whey from the top of the
cheese making vessel. The curd should settle to the bottom of the
container; if it floats, gas producing bacteria have been active and a
new source of culture must be used for subsequent batch.

32 When excess whey has been removed, replace it with cold water, wash
curd, and remove wash water. Wash a second time with ice water to chill
curd so it will keep its fresh flavor longer.

33 Final drainage of the curd, using draining board or a cloth lined
form with perforated sides and bottom, completes the manufacturing

34 In making Baker's cheese, the procedure is like the cottage cheese
process excepting that rennet is added to hasten coagulation (see
discussion of Domiati cheesemaking for sources and usage of rennet in
cheese setting). The cooking process will be greatly shortened, and the
whey separation is accomplished by transferring the curd, together
with the minimum whey necessary, to a coarse mesh bag. From 4 to 16
hours may be needed to completely drain excess whey; this should be
done at refrigeration temperature if possible.

35 Neufchatel and cream cheese are both made by the procedure
described for cottage cheese, excepting that richer milk or cream is
used as the starting material, and whey drainage must be done in a
cloth bag as little free whey is separated.

36 Cottage cheese, when consumed, should have the curd as separate and
distinct particles and is usually dressed with a milk or cream mixture
containing salt and/or other condiments.

37 All of these fresh cheeses may be served in a large variety of
forms through the incorporation of chopped fruits, vegetables, nuts,
olives, etc. Condiments should be added to give the desired flavor.

38 All equipment used in making cheese should be washed especially
carefully to remove all milk residues; all items should be sterilized
by heat or chemical (chlorine such as bleach) application before

39 Domiati Cheese -- This is a variety of cheese made extensively in
the area around the Mediterranean Sea. It can be eaten fresh or aged for
60-90 days before consumption. Goat milk is well suited for making
this variety of cheese.

40 Domiati cheese can be made from milk varying from 2 to 7 2256834976225
quality milk, free of objectionable flavor, should be collected as
previously described. Cool the milk to 105F and to each gallon of milk
add 8 ounces of salt. This must be stirred till completely dissolved.
This cheese can be made from raw milk, but pasteurization by the
method previously described is recommended.

41 Coagulation of this cheese milk is accomplished by the addition of
a protease enzyme (rennet). The enzyme may be purchased in liquid or
tablet form from supply houses advertising in goat magazines, or
locally from some drug stores, health food stores, or a cheesemaker if
available in area. If purchased in the original container, directions
should be given for usage. Dilute and dissolve concentrate in water,
add to cheese milk and stir for several minutes. Liquid rennet
preparations are usually standardized to 1:10,000, that is 1 part
rennet coagulates 10,000 parts of milk. If no directions are
available, use 1 milliliter (ml) of rennet liquid diluted with 40 ml
water, to each 20 lbs or 2-1/2 gallons of cheese milk. Rate of usage
should be adjusted on subsequent batches to smallest amount needed to
produce coagulation in no more than 30 minutes. Setting should be at
102-105F. When enzyme is completely dispersed, allow cheese milk to
remain undisturbed till firm curd is formed. Curd firmness should be
measured by lifting thermometer upward through curd mass. When desired
curd firmness is attained, cut the curd into as uniformly small cubes
as possible. Allow a few minutes for whey separation--this may be
enhanced by very slow heating and very gentle stirring.

42 Within 10 to 20 minutes the clear, free whey should be separated;
allow the curd to settle and remove and retain about 1/3 the volume of
cheese milk set as clear salted whey. Additional free whey which can
be removed can be discarded.

43 Transfer curd and retained whey to previously prepared cloth lined
molds. These may be columnar or rectangular in shape, made of stainless
steel (or wood) having perforated sides and bottom; a cover which fits
inside the mold body should be used. Molds should be 7 to 10 inches in
height so that a drained, compacted curd block, 3-4 inches thick, is
formed when draining and pressing is completed. Fill molds with fresh
curd, fold cloth liner over the top, and allow whey drainage to
continue. After curd is firm enough to permit it, weight or pressure
should be applied to tops of molds. Pressing and drainage should
continue for 10 to 18 hours until desired moisture content of cheese
is attained. It probably will be necessary to release the pressure and
rearrange cloth around cheese during the operation.

44 When pressing is completed and cheese is formed into a compact block
of desired moisture content, remove from molds, and if necessary cut
into blocks 2 to 4 inches thick. Place these blocks in plastic
containers for which tight fitting lids are available. Fill the cheese
container with the salted whey retained from earlier separation. The
cheese should be covered with an inch of whey, and the container
should be so filled that when the lid is firmly attached, almost
complete exclusion of air is accomplished.

45 The cheese filled containers should be placed where a relatively
constant temperature can be attained. The best curing temperature is 60
to 65F; a desirable flavor, body and texture should develop in about
60 days at that temperature. Aging at higher or lower temperatures
should shorten or lengthen aging times, and may encourage the
development of undesirable flavors.

46 Feta cheese is another variety made from goat milk - it is made in
a manner very similar to Domiati excepting that no salt is added to the
milk prior to coagulation and aging is accomplished in 14alt brine
after the cheese cubes have been salted by holding in 23alt brine
for 24 hours.

47 Variations in flavor, body and texture qualities of goat cheese can
be produced by following the setting and curd gathering procedures
described, but modifying the aging process. Modifications might
include adding enzymes or flavorings to the curd or applying enzyme,
bacteria or mold cultures to the cheese surface as aging starts.

48 Sources of Supplies for Cheesemaking

New England Cheesemaking Supply Co.
P.O. Box 85, Ashfield, MA 01330

American Supply House
Box 1114, Columbia, MO 65201

Dairyland Food Laboratories, Inc.
620 Progress Ave., Waukesha, WI 53186

Marschall Dairy Ingredients Division
32 S. Proudfit St., Madison, WI 53701

Chr. Hansens Lab., Inc.
9015 W. Maple St., Milwaukee, WI 53214

Microlife Technics
P.O. Box 3917, Sarasota, FL 33578
VIDF 133

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