Ulrich_von_Lichtenstein Creative Commons License 2024.08.17 -2 4 263676

"Ma, általánosan elfogadott nézet, hogy az első civilizáció Mezopotámiában alakult ki. De itt összesen 12 ezer négyzetkilométer volt lakott. Ez mindössze huszonheted része a Kárpát-medence 330 ezer négyzetkilométerének, ráadásul sivatagos, félsivatagos terület."


Totális badarság.


* "What was the size of Sumer?"


"The Sumerian civilization was relatively small in comparison to other ancient civilizations such as Egypt and Mesopotamia. It covered an area of about 40,000 square miles, which is roughly the size of modern-day Switzerland."


* "What was the size of Mesopotamia?"


"Yet even this was still a relatively confined area: Mesopotamia had 25,000 sq km of irrigated land – similar in size to early dynastic Egypt."




* "In the third millennium BC, there were around 40 cities in Sumer and Akkad that made up the Babylonian plain. One big city-state, Lagash (whose site is more than 3km across), had 36,000 male adults in the third millennium BC, suggesting upwards of 100,000 people altogether. Uruk was probably of similar size. Each controlled an extensive territory: at Nippur, for example, 200 subsidiary villages clustered around five main canals and 60 smaller ones, joined by a web of countless small irrigation ditches – all subject to laws, customs and close control." (Guardian)


* "Given the other cities in Sumer, and the large agricultural population, a rough estimate for Sumer's population might be 0.8 million to 1.5 million. The world population at this time has been estimated at 27 million."


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Előzmény: bilfer (263672)