Salvor2 Creative Commons License 2024.04.16 0 0 20364

Kinai repulesi adatok. A nemzetkozi cargo 43%-os novekedese mogott valoszinuleg a nagy kinai webaruhazak vannak.


In terms of passenger transport, civil aviation transported nearly 180 million passengers in the first quarter, representing a 37.7 percent year-on-year increase and a 10.2 percent increase compared to the same period in 2019.


Specifically, domestic passenger transport routes served 160 million passengers, showing a 14.3 percent increase compared to the same period in 2019, while international routes served 14.12 million passengers, reaching 78 percent of the level recorded during the same period in 2019.


In cargo transport, the industry transported nearly 2.01 million tons of goods in the first quarter, marking a 34.4 percent year-on-year increase and a 19.6 percent increase compared to the same period in 2019.


Among them, domestic cargo transport routes accounted for 1.23 million tons, showing an 8.2 percent increase compared to the same period in 2019, while international routes accounted for 775,000 tons, showing a 43.6 percent increase compared to the same period in 2019.