"As a modern Kendo practicer, I gotta say how they fight is just... terrifying. It scares my soul"
"This is just about everything you could ask for: A living tradition with rich history, kata and drills teaching technique and principles, full contact sparring that even allows for grappling to test your application."
"Is this the same school that the one where they wear all kinds of protective gear like tyres and hockey gloves? This looks awesome but I saw also a video of tennen rishin ryu where they fight with all kind of strange protectors here is the link"
Erre a válasz:
"It may depend on the school, but traditional Tennen Rishin Ryu uses the same armor as in kendo, most koryu used the bogu for protection. Personally I think those armors in the video you link look ugly as fuck."
(A szedett-vetett cuccról. És igaza van.)