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Penig a brutális magyarosítást szajkózza, amit állítólag csak a magyarok számára szerencsétlen végkimenetelű világégés akadályozott meg:


Propagandistic argumentation trying to ridicule the forced Hungarianization. The "Hungarianization Manual" of the Romanians, which "contains the strategic plans for the abolition of the Romanian nation", was intended exclusively for high-ranking officials of the Government in Budapest. The most complete evaluation of this strategic plan, based on the brutal force of terror and all the means of corruption, was made by Professor Onisifor Ghibu. The Political Section of the Ministry of the Interior of Hungary, noting the increasingly strong affirmation of the national consciousness of the Romanians and their increasingly open opposition to the national policy of the Hungarian state, predicts: – the destruction of the demographic unity of Transylvanian Romanians through a new districting of counties and electoral constituencies; - the inclusion of the United Romanian Church in the Roman Catholic Church, in order to prevent any manifestations of a Romanian character; – the intervention of the Hungarian government in Bucharest to remove the name of "Ungrovlahia" from the title of the primate metropolitan of Romania, because the Romanian Orthodox Church is the main exponent of the aspirations of the Transylvanian Romanians, and the priests, teachers and confessional teachers are the most dangerous agents of Romanianism; - the abolition of the autonomy of the Romanian Orthodox Church in Transylvania and the abrogation of the Organic State, in order to "disappear this political gangrene, one that eats away at the body of the nation and the country. - suspension of payment by the Hungarian state of the full salary for "unpatriotic" Romanian priests; - the training of Romanian priests exclusively in Hungarian seminaries and theological faculties, simultaneously with the abolition of the existing seminaries in Arad, Caransebeş and Sibiu; - only the Hungarian language will be used in all Romanian pedagogical schools, and the "Meetings of Orthodox teachers" should be abolished; – state control of the activities of Church foundations and censorship of the scholarship holders list; – Romanian secondary schools, "these warm nests of Romanian ultranational politics, which endanger Hungarian national integrity, can be controlled by the state"; - "Astra Române" meetings should be held only in Sibiu, in the presence of a government commissioner; - the alleged Romanian cultural societies, in reality hotbeds of anti-Hungarian agitation, should be placed under strict state control; - making it more difficult for Romanian political newspapers to appear, eliminating free transport on railways for Romanian journalists and sentencing them to ordinary prison instead of state prison for press offences; - hindering the development of Romanian credit institutes and reducing their influence on society; – banning the Romanian National Party, "the most dangerous factor for the idea of ​​a Hungarian state"; - misinforming the European public opinion regarding the situation of Transylvanian Romanians by publishing, in summary, the statistical data contained in the confidential work, processed in such a way that "to find out how much freedom the Romanians enjoyed in the Hungarian kingdom".




As prime minister, Tisza István asked Count Bethlen István to present the Hungarian state's plan of action in the case of the Transylvanian Romanians, considering that "the governments after 1867 neglected an energetic and systematic policy". Count Bethlen István's plan stipulated: – new Hungarian settlements in Transylvania; – stimulating the birth rate of Hungarians; - increasing the aggressiveness of the assimilation measures of Romanians; - stimulating the emigration of Romanians; - the displacement, in Transylvania, of the Hungarians disabled by the war, of the emigrants from America and Romania, of the Cianga people from Bucovina and Moldova, their appropriation and the granting of a financial loan, through an economic and cultural bank for Transylvania, which would paralyze the "Albina" Bank ". ” from Sibiu and 117 other Romanian banks; - the intensification of the exploitation of natural resources, the investment in the building infrastructure of the cities, the railway and navigation on the Mureș River, so that it is not possible to assert the economic, industrial or agrarian capital, with a Romanian national character; - the promotion of Romanians in public positions only in compact Hungarian areas, on the right side of the Danube; – the unification of Transylvanian law with that of Hungary; - toughening the penalties for crimes of opinion or press against the state; – orphanages and war orphans to be exclusively under Hungarian tutelage; – the state takeover of all schools and kindergartens and the obligation of attendance and education in the Hungarian language; – the establishment of the Hungarian Orthodox Episcopate; - the introduction of the Gregorian calendar in both Romanian churches; - the establishment of the "Ministry of Reconstruction of Transylvania". -the First World War and its consequences prevented the plan of total Hungarianization of Transylvania from being implemented...

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