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What is the typical presidential election cycle?

The presidential election process follows a typical cycle:

Time of the year                                                                                       Event
Spring of the year before an election                                                          Candidates announce their intentions to run.
Summer of the year before an election through spring of the election year     Primary and caucus debates take place.
January to June of election year                                                                 States and parties hold primaries and caucuses.
July to early September                                                                             Parties hold nominating conventions to choose their candidates.
September and October                                                                             Candidates participate in presidential debates.
Early November                                                                                         Election Day is the first Tuesday after the first Monday.
December                                                                                                 Electors cast their votes in the Electoral College. 
Early January of the next calendar year                                                       Congress counts the electoral votes.
January 20                                                                                                Inauguration Day


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Előzmény: Kód 001 (41666)