_Berci Creative Commons License 2023.05.28 0 0 181129


Az F-16 nem légifölényhez kell (hiszen egy vadászbombázó), hanem hogy a nyugattól kapott rakétafegyverzetet legyen miről indítani, ...


Nomeg a JDAM-(ER)-eket is es jo messziröl le lehessen hajogalni öket ... abbol ugyanis (ugy tünik es egyelöre) van elegendö ... es megiscsak egy iranyitott bomba (1000/512/256 kg).






n late February 2023, it was revealed that JDAM-ERs would be provided to the Ukrainian Air Force as part of an arms package during the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine. With a standoff range of up to 72 km (45 mi), it delivers similar range to M142 HIMARS rockets, but with heavier warheads and at a lower cost. Although Russian air defenses force Ukrainian aircraft to fly at extremely low levels, they could pop up and release the bombs on a lofted trajectory to glide toward a target. Ukrainian platforms needed modifications to employ the weapons, as had been done with the AGM-88 HARM.[34][35] The JDAM-ER was already in use by the Ukrainians by the time of the reports of its delivery.


Előzmény: Biga Cubensis (181124)