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lusta voltam sokat keresgélni, de WB honlapján is az áll, hogy még a legutolsó nagyobb menetet az IMF-fel közöen kezdeményezték.

Promoting Economic Reform

As economic distortions exacerbate poverty, the Bank
helps its client governments improve their economic and
social policies so as to increase efficiency and
transparency, promote stability, and bring about equitable
economic growth. The Bank provides funding, policy advice
and technical assistance in support of reform efforts to cut
budget deficits, reduce inflation, liberalize trade and
investment, privatize state-owned enterprises, establish
sound financial systems, strengthen judicial systems, and
ensure property rights. These reforms help attract foreign
private capital, generate domestic savings and investment,
and enable governments to provide effective social services.

However, because reform measures can lead to unemployment as unproductive enterprises are closed, and to increased prices when inefficient government subsidies are cut, reforms can adversely affect poor and vulnerable people in the short term. To address these concerns, Bank support for reform often includes funding for safety net programs to help protect the poor or to keep vulnerable people from slipping into poverty.

High levels of debt - owed mostly to governments in developed countries - have been increasingly recognized as a severe constraint on the ability of poor countries to undertake fundamental reforms.
To help ensure that economic reform efforts are not put at risk by high debt and debt service
burdens, in 1996 the Bank and the International Monetary Fund launched the Highly Indebted Poor Countries Initiative (HIPC). The initiative represents a commitment by the international community, including all creditors, to act together in a coordinated and concerted fashion to reduce the debt of very poor countries to sustainable levels. To qualify for HIPC debt relief a country must be eligible for IDA credits, face an unsustainable debt burden, and demonstrate a commitment to economic reform. Debt relief granted under the initiative is based on a country's ability to service its debt in a context of economic growth and poverty reduction. Thus far some ten countries have qualified for debt relief of approximately $8.5 billion.

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Előzmény: barco (26)